It’s party time for cats and humans!
Yes, now it’s party time for cats and humans, and even for dogs, where everybody will be happy at their places!
At the true version of the famous Flemish painter Jacob Jordaens’ painting, one can see the interpretation of the tradition to make a feast at the Twelfth Night (after Christmas) and to choose a Bean King (supposed to be a lucky person who finds a bean in their piece of the pie especially cooked for this occasion). You may see the right order of creatures at the table: dogs go under the table, they can be used as seats as well. Humans sit around the table. Cats sit wherever they fit. The central purrson, the king of the party, is a fat ginger cat. His paws have a lot of pink toe beans, that is why he is a Toe Bean King

Jacob Jordaens, The Feast of Toe-bean King, detail
So, if you have a cat in your house, you may easily make a Toe Bean party every day, no need to wait till the Twelfth night!

Jacob Jordaens, The Feast of Toe-bean King, detail
You may have a look at the commonly known version of the masterpiece at Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, and you will immediately notice that it’s no party without a cat, just sad human drinking.
Now you better go and bring a lot of tastiest treaties for your cat, and put your cat at the head of the party table, and the cat will make you and everybody around you very happy all the New Year!
Thus speaks Zarathustra the Cat