Снежный кот
С Новым Годом! Будьте счастливы, здоровы, богаты и служите верно своим котам!
Что вы сделаете, чтобы порадовать вашего кота сегодня?
Предложите миску, полную вкуснейших креветок?
Поиграете с ним в чехарду?
Или, как эти японские девушки, построите снежного кота, похожего на вашего повелителя?
Сделайте что-нибудь небычное, потому что ваш кот — лучший в мире!
Так говорит Заратустра, Кот!
This is very sweet. I have one kitty now.
Pierro died suddenly from illness on November 18. It was horrible and sad. I miss him greatly.
Now, I have his younger buddy Miles. Miles looks a lot like Zarathustra but thinner :-D
I used to have a nice blog and blog a lot about my kitties, but then my mom had a stroke so I had to help her recover. The blog is thecornishkitties . blogspot . com
you have a cute blog!
I am so sorry for your loss! I also lost my elder kitty Patty, me & Zarathustra missing her so much!
Miles looks really as zipped Z :))) very nice kitty!
Thank you so much for your sweet thoughts.
I have a busy life now taking care of my dad age 93, and I have grand children and a retired husband. Oh, and I did not want to say it, and noticed I did not above, but my mama went to Heaven on October 7 last year. She had three and a half good fun years after her stroke recovery. I miss her too, but she had a long very full and wonderful life.
So that is why I cannot blog anymore. I also enjoy sewing now.
Thank you for your friendship
so sorry for your mom! but your big family and the new hobby should bring a lot of joy to you!