James Webb Space Telescope captures the Celestial Cat!
Many of you, humans, during all the year traced our interstellar leap to get a Space Shrimp, and We, Zarathustra the Celestial Cat, just fulfilled this noble task.
You may see Us with Our stomach full of cosmic shrimps. We are rolling over Our gigantic bed of cosmic gas and Our fur is shining with young stars.
Our big space shrimp hunt was captured by Hubble and then James Webb space telescopes.
Do you know that the star the Magi at Christmas saw was a nova or supernova at explosion? This idea was hinted at by 17th century astronomer, Johannes Kepler. Now you witness this moment with your own eyes.
Our move was captured by NASA’s James Webb telescope when it took shots of the Cosmic Cliffs, a region at the edge of a gigantic, gaseous cavity within the star cluster NGC 3324, which has long intrigued astronomers as a hotbed for star formation. NGC 3324 is an open cluster in the southern constellation Carina, located northwest of the Carina Nebula.
Recently, by analyzing data from a specific wavelength of infrared light (4.7 microns), astronomers discovered two dozen previously unknown outflows from extremely young stars, and now you know the cause of it.
The Space Shrimpie was soooo tasty, and We, Zarathustra the Celestial Cat, purr loudly and cause fluctuations of cosmic matter and the formation of Sun-like stars.
Now We turn Our noble head to you, humans, while Christmas Star is shining behind Us.
We are in hurry to bring you light and peace so needed now on Earth torn apart by conflicts.
Humans, rise your heads to the sky, look to the stars and let peace come into your hearts.
Thus speaks Zarathustra the Cat
Happy Christmas!